Shingle metal roofing
Design dictated not only by aesthetic requirements but also by of technical nature such as exceptional wind resistance and waterproofness.
Roofing achievable with particular application flexibility thanks to the modularity offered by pre-stamped copper (or other metal) shingles.
Characterized by a design dictated not only by aesthetic needs but also by technical aspects, such as resistance to the action of the wind and complete impermeability to infiltrations.
The aesthetic finish that characterizes this roofing makes it particularly appropriate both for the renovation work of important historical complexes and for valuable constructions.
Frequently meets the approval in the use as a completion of the architectural furniture for facades both outside and inside.
The type of roofing that can be applied varies according to the slope of the substructure and the method of making the same copper (metal) roofing.
Not ventilated insulated roofing
In single ventilation, the sealing sheet is positioned below the insulation, the load-bearing element is replaced by the spacer and the second plank is eliminated.
Double ventilated insulated roofing
The support element or the laying surface can be made up of wooden planks, a concrete floor or a brick and cement ceiling suitably prepared and insulated on our instructions.
Lightness as anti-seismic construction criterion
during an earthquake the stressing force F = m (mass) x a (acceleration),
therefore by halving the mass, and therefore the weight of the roofing, the stress that the structure must undergo is halved; the weight of a copper roofing is up to 10 times less
P = metal roofing sheet weight
n = number of subdivision spaces per meter
Consult the Technical Office
Thickness and quality of the material, width of the panels and frequency of the fixing points are set according to the wind load. The installation is carried out in such a way as to respect the mechanical requirements of the material and the expansion of the same, avoiding the formation over time of tearing or breaking triggers. To complete the work, all the tinsmithery and accessories for water disposal are carried out for a guaranteed turnkey metal roofing against infiltration. The same technology is applied with the use of other materials such as lead, aluminum, zinc-copper-titanium alloys, stainless steel, zinc.
Aged copper
Copper as roofing material has no need of presentation: lightness of the covering, pleasant appearance and aesthetic finish of its oxidized color, longevity of the supplied and waterproofing characteristics, reduction over time of roofing maintenance costs; makes it a building technology element of the highest value and with no equal, both for residential and commercial buildings, both modern and of the past.
The opening towards new applications and solutions of materials has suggested to Super Canali the introduction of ” aged copper”.
It is first quality copper subjected to a suitably developed mechanical-chemical-thermal process in order to make immediately available the exclusive green color of the oxidizing patina that would otherwise take several decades to naturally form on site.
In fact, copper in the natural process, a cause of the combined action of humidity, oxygen and polluting agents present in the air, is characterized by a first brown patina, which then changes to anthracite brown and then develops, in more or less time depending on the location, the characteristic final green patina, the unity of sulphates and basic copper carbonates.
With the choice of aged copper, a sure exclusive note is applied to each structure.